home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- object FileConverter: TFileConverter
- Left = 371
- Top = 241
- BorderStyle = bsDialog
- Caption = 'File Converter'
- ClientHeight = 373
- ClientWidth = 410
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- OnCreate = FormCreate
- OnDestroy = FormDestroy
- PixelsPerInch = 96
- TextHeight = 13
- object Label2: TLabel
- Left = 8
- Top = 8
- Width = 41
- Height = 21
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = 'Driver'
- Layout = tlCenter
- end
- object LabelFormat: TLabel
- Left = 8
- Top = 32
- Width = 41
- Height = 21
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = 'Format'
- Layout = tlCenter
- end
- object LabelSubformat: TLabel
- Left = 8
- Top = 56
- Width = 57
- Height = 21
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = 'Sub-format'
- Layout = tlCenter
- end
- object Label3: TLabel
- Left = 8
- Top = 80
- Width = 57
- Height = 21
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = 'File format'
- Layout = tlCenter
- end
- object Label15: TLabel
- Left = 342
- Top = 8
- Width = 60
- Height = 13
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = 'Priority boost'
- end
- object Label18: TLabel
- Left = 374
- Top = 28
- Width = 16
- Height = 13
- Alignment = taRightJustify
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = '+2'
- Layout = tlCenter
- end
- object Label21: TLabel
- Left = 374
- Top = 87
- Width = 16
- Height = 13
- Alignment = taRightJustify
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = '-2'
- Layout = tlCenter
- end
- object Label22: TLabel
- Left = 374
- Top = 43
- Width = 16
- Height = 13
- Alignment = taRightJustify
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = '+1'
- Layout = tlCenter
- end
- object Label23: TLabel
- Left = 374
- Top = 58
- Width = 16
- Height = 13
- Alignment = taRightJustify
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = '0'
- Layout = tlCenter
- end
- object Label24: TLabel
- Left = 374
- Top = 72
- Width = 16
- Height = 13
- Alignment = taRightJustify
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = '-1'
- Layout = tlCenter
- end
- object Label9: TLabel
- Left = 292
- Top = 261
- Width = 13
- Height = 19
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = '%'
- Layout = tlCenter
- end
- object Status: TStatusBar
- Left = 8
- Top = 347
- Width = 393
- Height = 19
- Align = alNone
- Panels = <
- item
- Width = 270
- end
- item
- Width = 50
- end>
- SimplePanel = False
- SizeGrip = False
- end
- object nofi: TGroupBox
- Left = 8
- Top = 286
- Width = 393
- Height = 55
- TabOrder = 1
- object Cancelling: TLabel
- Left = 86
- Top = 36
- Width = 249
- Height = 13
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = 'Cancelling after current file...'
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clBlack
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = [fsBold]
- ParentFont = False
- Transparent = True
- Visible = False
- end
- object Label4: TLabel
- Left = 8
- Top = 36
- Width = 29
- Height = 13
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = 'Done:'
- end
- object DonePercents: TLabel
- Left = 40
- Top = 36
- Width = 41
- Height = 13
- AutoSize = False
- end
- object DoneProgress: TProgressBar
- Left = 8
- Top = 17
- Width = 377
- Height = 16
- Hint = 'Normalization progress'
- Min = 0
- Max = 100
- TabOrder = 0
- end
- end
- object Driver: TComboBox
- Left = 72
- Top = 8
- Width = 265
- Height = 21
- Style = csDropDownList
- ItemHeight = 13
- TabOrder = 2
- OnChange = DriverChange
- end
- object Format: TComboBox
- Left = 72
- Top = 32
- Width = 265
- Height = 21
- Style = csDropDownList
- ItemHeight = 13
- TabOrder = 3
- OnChange = FormatChange
- end
- object Subformat: TComboBox
- Left = 72
- Top = 56
- Width = 265
- Height = 21
- Style = csDropDownList
- ItemHeight = 13
- TabOrder = 4
- OnChange = SubformatChange
- end
- object Fileformat: TComboBox
- Left = 72
- Top = 80
- Width = 265
- Height = 21
- Style = csDropDownList
- ItemHeight = 13
- TabOrder = 5
- OnChange = FileformatChange
- end
- object Priority: TTrackBar
- Left = 342
- Top = 22
- Width = 33
- Height = 86
- Max = 4
- Orientation = trVertical
- Frequency = 1
- Position = 2
- SelEnd = 0
- SelStart = 0
- TabOrder = 6
- TickMarks = tmBottomRight
- TickStyle = tsAuto
- end
- object Filelist: TListView
- Left = 8
- Top = 130
- Width = 393
- Height = 121
- OnClick = FilelistClick
- Columns = <
- item
- Caption = 'Filename'
- Width = 275
- end
- item
- Alignment = taCenter
- Caption = 'Size (MB)'
- Width = 80
- end>
- ReadOnly = True
- MultiSelect = True
- OnColumnClick = FilelistColumnClick
- OnCompare = FilelistCompare
- PopupMenu = Popup
- SortType = stText
- TabOrder = 7
- ViewStyle = vsReport
- end
- object ExtraHighQuality: TCheckBox
- Left = 10
- Top = 108
- Width = 113
- Height = 17
- Caption = 'Extra High Quality'
- TabOrder = 8
- end
- object Normalize: TBitBtn
- Left = 320
- Top = 258
- Width = 81
- Height = 25
- Cancel = True
- Caption = 'Close'
- Default = True
- ModalResult = 1
- TabOrder = 9
- OnClick = NormalizeClick
- Glyph.Data = {
- DE010000424DDE01000000000000760000002800000024000000120000000100
- 0400000000006801000000000000000000001000000010000000000000000000
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- 3333F8330000333333911111183333333338F333333F83330000333333311111
- 8333333333338F3333383333000033333339111183333333333338F333833333
- 00003333339111118333333333333833338F3333000033333911181118333333
- 33338333338F333300003333911183911183333333383338F338F33300003333
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- 38F338F300003333333333333919333333388333338FFF830000333333333333
- 3333333333333333333888330000333333333333333333333333333333333333
- 0000}
- NumGlyphs = 2
- end
- object NormPercent: TEdit
- Left = 240
- Top = 261
- Width = 33
- Height = 19
- AutoSize = False
- TabOrder = 10
- Text = '0'
- OnExit = NormPercentExit
- end
- object UDNormalize: TUpDown
- Left = 273
- Top = 261
- Width = 15
- Height = 19
- Associate = NormPercent
- Min = 0
- Position = 0
- TabOrder = 11
- Wrap = False
- end
- object NormalizeTo: TCheckBox
- Left = 152
- Top = 261
- Width = 81
- Height = 19
- Caption = 'Normalize to'
- TabOrder = 12
- OnClick = NormalizeToClick
- end
- object RemoveWaves: TBitBtn
- Left = 80
- Top = 258
- Width = 63
- Height = 25
- Hint = 'Remove Wave file(s) from the list'
- Caption = '&Remove'
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 13
- OnClick = RemoveWavesClick
- NumGlyphs = 2
- end
- object AddWaves: TBitBtn
- Left = 8
- Top = 258
- Width = 63
- Height = 25
- Hint = 'Add Wave file(s) to be normalized'
- Caption = '&Add'
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 14
- OnClick = AddWavesClick
- end
- object OpenWaves: TOpenDialog
- DefaultExt = 'WAV'
- FileName = '*.wav'
- Filter = 'Wave files (*.wav)|*.WAV'
- Options = [ofHideReadOnly, ofAllowMultiSelect, ofPathMustExist, ofFileMustExist]
- Title = 'Open Wave file(s)'
- Left = 152
- Top = 192
- end
- object Popup: TPopupMenu
- Left = 272
- Top = 180
- object Remove: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Remove'
- end
- object Selectall: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Select all'
- ShortCut = 16449
- end
- end
- end